Within the framework of the UNDERGROUND Civil Sport Shooting Association, we provide the opportunity to compete for all our members. Our association is also a member of the Hungarian Dynamic Shooting Sports Association and the Hungarian Sport Shooters Association, so our members can exchange their competition licenses at any national sports association.

We provide full assistance to our members in the exchange of competition licenses and related administration, whether it is the exchange of a new license, the renewal of an old one, or a transfer.  

Participation in qualifying competitions is particularly important for a sports shooter, considering that obtaining a qualification is a condition for possessing a firearm for sporting purposes. According to the interest of the sports shooter, he can choose from several branches of shooting in which he can obtain a qualification. The classic branch of sports shooting is point shooting, which is an Olympic sport, but dynamic shooting competition series are becoming more and more popular.



The essence of quick point shooting is precise weapon handling and aiming as accurately as possible. The shots are fired from a standing position, with one or two-handed grip, without the use of a support and without any external assistance, at targets placed at a distance of 15 to 25 metres. The slug is divided into circular units. The circular units become smaller towards the centre of the target, but a hit in a smaller unit scores more points.

Competitors will take their place in the shooting position on the signal and will be allowed to fire any number of test shots at the test target within 1 minute. Test shots must be fired into a test firing pin, and evaluated rounds into 1 or 3 evaluated firing pins.

Each burst must be started on cue and must be completed before the end of the firing time. The firing time is 25 seconds per round. Only 5 shots may be fired per evaluated series. Any shots fired after the time limit has expired and any additional shots will incur a penalty. After the 3rd scored round, competitors may look at (photograph) their shots but may not touch them. The Judges (or designated assistants) will remove the shot sheets and hand them to the Scoring Judge for evaluation. The winner is the one who scores the highest number of points out of the 15 shots allowed.



Today, the sport is practised in around 80 countries, many as a certified sport, but nearly twice as many as a leisure activity. It has long been established in the countries of Western Europe, led by Germany and France, and is now expanding eastwards.

The idea behind the sport was to give law-abiding people who own a self-defence weapon a training opportunity to learn how to handle the weapon correctly and, above all, safely, which is what most of the rules are about.

In IPSC shooting, the competitor must attempt to blend accuracy, power and speed into a winning combination. Most of the shooting is close range, with targets at 25 metres or even longer distances being rare. Controlling a powerful handgun is obviously much more difficult than shooting a well-balanced, low-recoil target pistol, especially if the competitor is aiming for maximum speed. Indeed, time is a significant factor, as the hit result is divided by the execution time to increase the challenge of the shooting task.

Another important element of the sport is the shooting task performed in motion. Most courses include more than one body position or shooting stance. Often there are no designated shooting positions, only physical limitations imposed by the positioning of targets and various barricades that restrict vision and movement. The competitor is free to choose the most appropriate and effective method of execution. In many cases, doors and windows must be opened so that the targets behind them can be attacked. Other times, hitting a particular (metal) target causes another target to appear or move. There are penalty targets, which will result in a serious point deduction for hitting them.

This sport teaches, first and foremost, safe gun handling, respect for the weapon, and a disciplined attitude without which it should be unthinkable to handle or even own a firearm of any kind.



The IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) is a very young sport in Hungary, with the police only accepting qualifications from 2006. It is complex because the challenge is threefold: to shoot accurately, quickly and safely.

Although safe gun handling is also important in point shooting, it requires less effort when standing static. IDPA is a much more dynamic sport. Shooting takes place on varied and lifelike courses, with different shooting positions (e.g. under cover, over cover, leaning through a window), different gun grips (usually two-handed, sometimes one-handed, sometimes weak (left)), and the gun moving around the established shooting course. The increased safety of IDPA competitions is enforced by the use of several gun handlers and strict rule books, with foul-playing competitors being disqualified, so that novice shooters are quickly forced to maximise gun safety. The fastest wins, but there is a time penalty for inaccurate hits.


Open calendar of competitions